Dance Schools On Stage

Kuopio Dance Festival is the largest, most diverse and the oldest dance festival in the Nordic countries, which will be held for the 56th time on summer 2025. The festival includes dance performances, seminars, courses and other cultural activities. The purpose of the festival is to offer an international and cultural experience to everyone interested in dance.

The Dance Schools On Stage showcase will take place on 7th and 8th of June 2025 and is organized together with the Finnish Dance Schools Association, STOPP ry. The showcase will take place in the magnificent setting of Kuopio City Theatre’s Maria-stage.

Finnish and international dance schools will be selected to participate. Dance School on Stage showcase is not a competition. The purpose is to offer the participating dance schools and the audience a peek into the levels and dance styles of different dance schools. Participants must be over 7 years old and not professional dancers.

The groups will receive feedback on their performances from the artistic director of Kuopio Dance Festival Kenneth Kvarnström and the executive director of the Finnish Association of Dance Schools STOPP ry, Milla Malmberg.

The goal of the Dance Schools on Stage showcase is to inspire and encourage dancers to continue their determined practice and to provide a platform for networking between dance schools.

Selected performers:

Lahden Tanssiopisto: Vihervaaran Anna
Suvi Salmi Dance Company: A Person, Not A Concept
Tanssittava: Huivitanssi baletista Bajadeeri
Koskelan Tanssi: HALLUSINAATIO
Dance Up Academy: Kuppi teetä voi olla vaaraksi!
Miloff Tanssiopisto: Masquerade
Tanssistudio Jami: Kanaset

Soisalo-tanssikoulu: Hanging around
Jyväskylän Tanssiopisto: Ajan kulku
Tamara Rasmussen Opisto: Behind my eyes
Tanssikoulu DCA: The Supreme court – Vallan kahvassa
Espoon Musiikki- ja Tanssikoulu Estrada: In a Jazz Club
Lappeenrannan Tanssiopisto: Exposed
Freejumpers company: Unisykli

Dance Up Academy: Itikkajahti Italiassa
Tanssikoulu AM Dance: Together on this journey
Kuopion Tanssistudio: Ihana Coimbran kaupunki
Kuopion Taideopisto: Metsänhaltijat
Kuopion taidelukio Lumit: Kellopeliappelsiini

Information about the performances will be announced later in the spring.

Photo: Petri Laitinen, 2018
Photo: Henna Kokkonen, 2022
Photo: Roosa Oksaharju, 2024

Shows and tickets

Kuopio City Theater, Maria stage
17-20 €
Kuopio City Theater, Maria stage
17-20 €


Stopp ryRumpfSo Danca

See also

Elle Sofe CompanyElle Sofe Company Miller de NobiliMiller de Nobili Reijo KelaReijo Kela