Dance Schools On Stage

Shows and tickets

Kuopio City Theater, Maria stage
16–19 €
Kuopio City Theater, Maria stage
16–19 €

Dance Schools On Stage -concept has been a part of Kuopio Dance Festival’s programme since 2011. The dance school groups selected based on the applications will perform for the festival audience. Both Finnish and international dance schools will be selected to participate. 

Dance Schools on Stage -concept is not a competition, but the purpose is to offer the participating dance schools and the audience a peek into the levels and dance styles of different dance schools. The groups will receive feedback on their performances from the artistic director Riku Lehtopolku and the representative of the Finnish Association of Dance Schools STOPP ry. 

The concept is organized in cooperation with The Association of Dance Institutes in Finland STOPP ry. The association was founded in 1982 to be the nationwide link between Finnish dance schools and to pursue the common interests of them. It has over 80 member institutes, which have more than 40 000 young dancers as students. 

Dance Schools On Stage is hosted by Atte Kilpinen, who is a dancer of Finnish National Ballet.

Wednesday 12th June

Tanssiopisto Uusikuu: HÄ?!
Kuopion Tanssistudio: Luonto herää henkiin
Oulun Taidekoulu: Twist
Musiikkiopisto Arkipelag: Sense of touch
Tallinn Music and Ballet School (MUBA): Les Miniatures de Andalousie
Attitude Helsinki: KULO
Keravan Tanssiopisto: Power Struggle
Hämeenlinnan Tanssi- ja Liikuntakeskus: vaiennetut äänet
Kajaani Dancen tanssikoulu: Liisat ihmemaassa
Espoon Tanssiopisto: Vetovoima

Thursday 13th June

Tanssistudio Jami: Ilonpilaaja!
Seinäjoen Tanssiopisto Miloff: Two Pearls variation from the ballet The Little Humpbacked Horse
Jyväskylän Tanssiopisto: Ja niin jää kesä
Kuopion Konservatorio: Nyt on näin
Viialan Pyryn Show Team: Kohma
Nurmijärven tanssiopisto: Escaping the box
Koskelan Tanssi: Kontrollin uuvuttamat
Tanssiopisto Vinha: Leikin loppu
Lappeenrannan Tanssiopisto: Rapu

Duration: 60 min (no interval)

Photo: Petri Laitinen, 2018
Photo: Henna Kokkonen, 2022
Photo: Henna Kokkonen, 2022


Stopp ryRumpf

See also

Wellness morningsWellness mornings Dance PavilionDance Pavilion Dance Jams for kidsDance Jams for kids