Miller de Nobili


Five dancers push their bodies and bonds to the limit, shifting between playful, violent, and vulnerable moments. While challenging the stereotypes of breaking culture and masculinity, the creation reveals deeper layers of connection and individuality. PACK is an explosive and virtuous creation living from the unique skills and personal experiences of the dancers. It invites us to reflect on the universal experience of belonging and the intricate dynamics that define collective existence.

Choreography to the piece is made by Maria Chiara de‘ Nobili ja Alexander Miller in collaboration with the dancers.

“Miller de Nobili’s working method includes a variety of elements, showcasing different movement qualities, musicality, craftsmanship, interesting details, and also a keen interest in the human being. It’s a joy to watch if you like “dancedance”. “

– Kenneth Kvarnström, the artistic director of the festival

Dancedance: the opposite of performance art.

In addition to the performance, the group will offer a course during the festival. More detailed information will be available in spring 2025.

© Carsten Beier
© Carsten Beier

Maria Chiara de‘ Nobili & Alexander Miller in collaboration with the dancers

Egon Gerber, Sem Deliveyne, Anton Schalnich, Niklas Capel, Nam Tran Xuan

Marvin Neidhardt

Michele Strobino

Geohwan Ju

Antonia Krull

22.09.2021, Hellerau – European Centre for the Arts

Tanzplattform Deutschland 2022, Tanzfusionen Greifswald, Edinburgh FRINGE Festival

Ksenia Lukina

A production of Miller de Nobili in coproduction with TANZPAKT Dresden.
Under the patronage of the City of Dresden, Office for Culture and Monument Protection, the association Villa Wigman für TANZ and HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts cooperate in “TANZPAKT Dresden”.
Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Cultural Foundation of the State of Saxony, the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts*, and the City of Dresden.
*This measure is co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament. 
Supported by simply saxony, 84’Til – Centre for urban culture, Dresdner Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der Ostsächsischen Sparkasse Dresden.

Duration: about 55 minutes.

Shows and tickets

Olvi Arena
29-49 €
Olvi Arena
29-49 €


gefördert durch die landeshauptstadt dresdenKulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen

See also

Elle Sofe CompanyElle Sofe Company Reijo KelaReijo Kela Dance Schools On StageDance Schools On Stage