G-Song Lab Goes Dance – 3 unique shows was created during the workshop

At Kuopio Dance Festival last summer, something completely new was experienced: during the festival, for the first time, a multi-arts workshop was organized, where young people could make their own music and choreography. 

Kuopio Dance Festival 2023 included a unique workshop for young people aged 13-20. In the workshop, young musicians and dancers were able to collaborate under the mentorship of professionals. 

G-Song Lab is a concept by speaker manufacturer Genelec, where young musicians get to make their own songs. At Kuopio Dance Festival, dancers were included in the concept. Together with musicians, the dancers created performances in just three days, which combined a self-made song and choreography. 

The participants were guided by dance artist Samuli Emery, dance artist Sanni Kriikku, singer/songwriter Anna Kuoppamäki and songwriter/music producer Petter Korkman

The theme of the workshop was Power and Powerlessness. The participants were challenged to make art through the multiple lenses of power: how can power be seen or heard? 

A total of 14 young people participated in the workshop, of which 11 were dancers and three were musicians. 

“We divided them into three groups, each of which creates its own choreography and its own song. We try to find a connection in the music and the choreography, so that they can be combined into one piece,” Emery, who acted as a mentor, describes the process. 

As a result, there was three magnificent dance and music pieces created, which were seen at the end of the workshop in Kuopio Music Center’s Hall of Lights on June 20th. 

The youngsters described they were excited about this new kind of workshop. 

“In the workshop, I have been able to do new things and develop. It’s been really interesting, I got good tips and met new people.” 

Key partners are e.g. Genelec Oy and the University of Arts, and the activity was produced by the non-profit Tiedonjulkistisen Kulttuuritehdas ry. 

From the video you can see clips of the impressive performances.