Etusivu » Kauppa » Urban dance workshop- Miller de Nobili

Urban dance workshop- Miller de Nobili


15 varastossa

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Tuotetunnus (SKU): 42 Osasto:


Laji: katutanssit, nykytanssi
Taso: edistyneet, ammattilaiset ja ammattiopiskelijat
Ikäsuositus: Nuoret yli 16- vuotiaat, aikuiset
Opettajat: Maria Chiara ja Alexander Miller
Aikataulu: ma 9.6 ja ti 10.6 klo 10.00- 11.30
Paikka: Puistokoulu, Puistokatu 13 Kuopio

Sisältö: This workshop focuses on techniques that define Maria Chiara de’ Nobili and Alexander Miller’s artistic approaches to dance theatre. Participants explore movement- based improvisations, tools inspired by breaking and urban dance, character development and acting practices to find unique and individual movement languages, enriching the depth and motivation behind each movement. Teaching in English.

Opettajista: Miller de Nobili was founded in 2020 by M. Chiara de’ Nobili and Alexander Miller as a platform merging breaking, contemporary, and urban dance theater with acting techniques. Their debut piece, Momento, won the Scapino Ballet Production Prize at the 35th Choreography Competition in Hannover, marking the beginning of a dynamic creative journey. Their first full-length work, PACK, premiered in 2021 at HELLERAU before being showcased at Tanzplattform Deutschland 2022. In 2022, they expanded their repertoire with new short works, presenting them at PACT Zollverein, Tanzplattform Bern, and Tanz Labor Ulm, alongside commissions for Pottporus e.V. / SILK Fluegge, and Think Big. Later that year, they premiered Don’t You Dare! at HELLERAU. In 2023 MdN participated in RIDCC with Until Again and co-choreographed Song of the Dark Forest for Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. Their 2024 productions include Labyrinth, developed at AGORA Cité de la Danse Montpellier, Schloss Bröllin and Teatros del Canal (Madrid), and co-produced with HELLERAU and Residenzzentrum Tanz+ (Baden). Additionally, they premiered There Was Still Time, co-produced and presented at La Biennale di Venezia and Teatros del Canal, which was later invited to Prisma Festival (Panama). That same year, MdN was part of the German showcase at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. From 2025, Miller de Nobili will receive institutional funding from the city of Dresden. Their next full-length production, Hype the Pain, will premiere in October 2025 at HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, developed through residencies at Residenzzentrum Tanz+, Choreographic Center Heidelberg, and Theater Freiburg. Additionally, MdN has been invited to perform at the Kuopio Dance Festival (Finland) and Dance Days Chania (Greece).





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