Etusivu » Kauppa » House Dance & Hip Hop- Compagnie Herve Koubi

House Dance & Hip Hop- Compagnie Herve Koubi


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Tuotetunnus (SKU): 43 Osasto:


Laji: katutanssit
Taso: Avoin taso
Ikäsuositus: Nuoret, aikuiset
Opettaja: Houssni Mijem /Compagnie HERVE KOUBI
Aikataulu: to 12.6 klo 10.00- 12.00
Paikka: Puistokoulu, Puistokatu 13 Kuopio

Sisältö: House Dance & Hip Hop workshop by the style of Compangie Herve Koubi. Teaching in English.

Opettajasta: Houssni Mijem is an important figure in Hip-Hop dance in Morocco, where he is from. As much as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. His career will have some great highlights. In 2009, he participated in the London International Dance Festival ”BREAKIN’ CONVENTION” with the Salama Crew Company. In 2012, he danced at the Le Temps d’Aimer Festival in Biarritz at the Théâtre du Casino with the Anne-Marie Porras Company. In 2015, he was the choreographer of the very famous video clip ”LM3allem” by the singer Saad Lamjarred, which has nearly a billion views on YouTube. In 2016, spotted by the choreographer Hervé Koubi, he danced for the opening ceremony show of COP22 as part of the annual United Nations meetings in favor of the fight against climate change. At the end of this experience, Houssni will join the Hervé Koubi Company and will even be entrusted with the role of Team Captain by Hervé Koubi and his assistant Fayçal Hamlat. He participates in all the tours as a dancer within this company in France and internationally and especially in the United States of America. In addition to his role as an interpreter, Houssni actively collaborates in the creative work, in the rehearsal work also within this same structure. In this capacity, he is notably in charge of the physical preparation of the dancers of the Hervé Koubi company which has more than 20 interpreters to date.







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