Peeping Tom (BE)


Shows and tickets

Kuopio City Theater, Minna stage
51-59 €
Kuopio City Theater, Minna stage
51-59 €

Belgian Peeping Tom charmed us in 2021 at Kuopio Dance Festival, and now the group considered as one of the leading stars of European dance theater is coming to the festival with Diptych, an ensemble of two pieces. 

The missing door and The lost room dive into the recesses of the mind, where time, memories and wishes mix and turn into nightmarish visions.   

Lost in the middle between reality and illusion, the characters wander in the cabins and corridors of a ship, while uncontrollable forces guides their journey. 

Faithful to Peeping Tom’s style, in the hands of Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier, a disturbing, dark speaking and isolated world has been born, where cinematic narration is combined with a unique language of movement.  

The missing door and The lost room create an intense and exciting thriller that will have you on a tight grip! 

Duration: 70 min (no interval). Not recommended for audience under 15 year old.

Concept and Direction Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier Performance Konan Dayot, Fons Dhossche, Lauren Langlois, Panos Malactos/Akira Yoshida, Alejandro Moya, Fanny Sage, Eliana Stragapede, Wan-Lun Yu Artistic Assistance Thomas Michaux Sound Dramaturgy Raphaëlle Latini Sound Composition and Arrangements Raphaëlle Latini, Ismaël Colombani, Annalena Fröhlich, Louis-Clément Da Costa, Eurudike De Beul Light Design Tom Visser Set Design Gabriela Carrizo, Justine Bougerol Costume Design Seoljin Kim, Yichun Liu, Louis-Clément Da Costa Confection Costumes Sara van Meer, Lulu Tikovsky, Wu Bingyan (internship) Technical Coordination Giuliana Rienzi, Pjotr Eijckenboom (creation) Technical Engineers Bram Geldhof/Ilias Johri (lights), Tim Thielemans/Jonas Castelijns/Jo Heijens (sound) Stage management Thomas Dobruzskes (stage manager), Clement Michaux, Kato Stevens (stage assistants) Production interns Lisa Gunstone, Robin Appels Tour Manager Alina Benach Barceló Production Manager Helena Casas Communication Manager Daphne Giakoumakis Production and Administration Rhuwe Verrept Company manager Veerle Mans Production Peeping Tom

Introduction: Peeping Tom: Diptych


Flanders city of art

See also

Wellness morningsWellness mornings Dance PavilionDance Pavilion Dance Jams for kidsDance Jams for kids