Petri Kekoni Company (FIN)

Ei aikaa | Otid | Untime

Shows and tickets

Luoto, Kuopio harbour (outdoor performance)
Free entry
Luoto, Kuopio harbour (outdoor performance)
Free entry

Petri Kekoni Company’s Ei Aikaa | Otid | Untime is a site-spesific large-scale work that will be seen in Kuopio’s harbor at Luoto as an open-air performance. 

After its premiere in 2022, the work received a lot of attention for its temporal, movement and spatial concept. The piece made for 12 dancers lasts four hours in total, during which the audience can freely choose the time window for their experience. 

Untime looks for an alternative form for a stage production, where the unpredictability of the surrounding life is present. With the project, choreographer Petri Kekoni builds a perception of time, according to which the piece has always existed, and the viewer gets a random slice of this continuum. As in the long run of life, the performance does not have a start and finish, instead featuring series of beginnings and endings. 

Duration: 4 h (no interval)

Choreography, Set Design and Concept Petri Kekoni Music, Sound Design, and Sound-installation Antti Nykyri Lighting Design Anna Rouhu Costume Design Joanna Weckman Dancers Tanja Illukka, Olli Lautiola, Meeri Lempiäinen, Anna Stenberg, Jenna Broas, Esete Sutinen, Sampo Kerola, Saku Koistinen, Terhi Vaimala, Jukka Tarvainen, Maija Kiviluoto, Kaisa Niemi Set Design Heikki Rosti / Verstas Helsinki Oy Light Technical Production Roni Rautavuori Costume Makers Anni Konttinen, Eeva Varmola Photos Pasi Orrensalo Production Petri Kekoni Company / Liikkeen puolesta kannatusyhdistys ry Sponsors Helsingin kaupunki, Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Svenska kulturfonden

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