Collectif Petit Travers (FR)

S'assurer de ses propres murmures

Shows and tickets

Lumit stage
35-39 €
Lumit stage
35-39 €

The French Collectif Petit Travers brings a captivating contemporary circus show to Kuopio, where juggling meets a drum concert! 

In S’assure de ses propres murmures, circus artist Julien Clément and drummer Pierre Pollet show how juggling and drums merge seamlessly into a complete experience. Above all, the dialogue, based on listening to the other, creates movement poetry tinged with gentle humor, in which the performers speed each other up to a trance-like state. 

Collectif Petit Travers, which has been operating since 2004, has become known for its unique works in which juggling and music are combined with imaginative visuals and humor into surprising entities. 

Created and interpreted by Julien Clément: Juggler Pierre Pollet: Drums
Lighting design Thibault Thelleire Scenography construction Olivier Filipucci and Thibault Thelleire Sound Olivier Filipucci Costumes Sigolène Petey External views Rémi Luchez, Nicolas Mathis, Marie Papon and Alix Veillon

See also

Wellness morningsWellness mornings Dance PavilionDance Pavilion Dance Jams for kidsDance Jams for kids