Kuopio Dance Festival’s seminars are now Kuopio Talks 

In the “The power of dance: the health effects of dance in neurological diseases” on 18th June, expert speakers include neurologist Kiti Müller (in photo). 

The seminars are traditionally part of the Kuopio Dance Festival. This year, for the first time, the seminars will be organised as a series, called Kuopio TALKS. 

Kuopio TALKS addresses topical and interesting themes, especially from the perspectives of dance, culture, art and well-being. 

The seminar series also includes Kuopio Highlights, organised by the City of Kuopio. 

Welcome to participate! The seminars will also be streamed on the festival’s Youtube channel and Facebook, so remote participation is possible. 

Kuopio TALKS at the Music Centre Hall of Light 16th – 20th June 2023 at 1pm The seminars are free, no pre-registration required (except Kuopio Highlights). 

Dance information on neurological rehabilitation 

On Sunday 18th June, as part of the Kuopio TALKS series, you can experience an interesting session “The power of dance: the health effects of dance in neurological diseases”. The event will last about two hours, including a discussion between two experts, a dance performance, a panel discussion and a dance lesson. 

The event will discuss, among other things, the health benefits of dancing and how dancing can help rehabilitation, especially in neurological diseases. 

“The aim is to hear researched data, expert presentations and to get to dance yourself: to experience the topic in a variety of ways,” says Hanna Pohjola, Associate Professor of Multidisciplinary Health and Wellbeing Research, Doctor of Dance, Master of Health Sciences and Physiotherapist at the University of Eastern Finland. 

In neurological research on the applied use of dance, it has been found to be physically, psychologically and socially rehabilitating.  

“So much so that dance is considered a promising and complementary form of rehabilitation in medical treatment,” says Pohjola. 

The first hour of the event (from 1-2pm) will include a discussion on the topic, while the second hour (from 2-3pm) will be a dance lesson with a dance class. The Kimara will consist of four 15-minute segments where you can learn about different dance styles. 

Among the experts will be neurologist Kiti Müller, who teaches as an associate professor at the University of Helsinki and Aalto University on occupational neurology and the usability of mobile medical technology. She will share insights into how human physiology, physical, mental and intellectual functioning form a whole. Müller uses dance as an example: dance steps are also good memory training and meaningful rehabilitation, suitable for people of all ages. 

Kuopio TALKS-ohjelma: 

pe 16.6. Esittävän taiteilijan mielenterveys – haasteet varhaisen tuen avun saannissa 
yhteistyössä Työeläkeyhtiö ELO 

la 17.6. Tiedolla Taitoa Tulevaisuuteen 
yhteistyössä Itä-Suomen Yliopisto 

  • Unenlaadun tarkkailun kompastuskivet: mitatun ja koetun paradoksi   
  • Kaatumisten ehkäisy liikunnan keinoin ikääntyneillä 

su 18.6.Tanssin voima: Tanssin terveysvaikutukset neurologisissa sairauksissa  
yhteistyössä Itä-Suomen Yliopisto 

ma 19.6. Kulttuuri ja taide kokonaisturvallisuudessa 
yhteistyössä Savonia AMK                         

ti 20.6.  Taike & Cupore Talks: Taiteilijan työhyvinvointi                            
yhteistyössä Taike 

Kuopio Highlights 

to 15.6. klo 9-15 Kuopion Musiikkikeskus Highlights: Kuopion 9. hyvinvointiseminaari: Monikulttuurisuus yhteisössä – kohti vahvistuvaa yhteistä identiteettiä 

Traditional ELO-forum at the Music Centre’s Light Hall at 12pm and 5pm, where dance students, dance schools and amateur groups will have the opportunity to present their work.