Etusivu » Kauppa » TERO Repertory Workshop

TERO Repertory Workshop



Tuotetunnus (SKU): 161 Osasto:


Laji: Nykytanssi
Taso: Ammattilaiset ja ammattiopiskelijat
Ikäsuositus: Aikuiset
Opettaja: David Scarantino
Aikataulu: pe 14.6 ja la 15.6 klo 14.00- 16.00
Paikka: Hermannin salit, Hermanninaukio 3 Kuopio

Sisältö: The 4 hour long TERO Repertory Workshop is an introduction to Tero Saarinen’s unique movement style; it gives students an overview of the holistic philosophy behind Saarinen’s technique. Teaching concentrates on the central patterns of movements that make up TERO Technique, and allows students to explore it further through repertoire exercises, featuring material from Saarinen’s recent creations. This workshop is meant for dance professionals and advanced-level students. Teaching in english.

Opettajasta: David Scarantino has graduated with a BFA in performance and choreography from Purchase College, State University of New York (2011) and with an MA in Dance Pedagogy at the University of the Arts Helsinki (2021). He has been dancing with Tero Saarinen Company since 2013 and teaching TERO Technique since 2016 both in Finland and Abroad.






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